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North La Crosse

Business Association

Dedicated to growing businesses on the Northside

When you join the North La Crosse Business Association, you're becoming a member, not a subscriber. Membership is more than a subscription.

A subscription is an individual transaction between you and a company to receive a product or service. You’re likely charged monthly, and something of value arrives.

A membership is much more. It’s a relationship formed on a shared interest. You become a critical component to the success of the organization that you are joining — part of its brand and character. The organization works to meet the collective, long-term needs of its members. Because you share these beliefs, you help move the goals of the organization forward. You give back to the community you joined through time, expertise, participation, and attendance.

Four Levels of Membership

1) Members:  $150/year

Join the North La Crosse Business Association and help create a voice for the north side, be listed in our online membership directory, and provide scholarships for students at Logan High School. We unite you with your fellow businesses at monthly meetings and keep you informed on what's impacting northside businesses. 

2) Supporters: $250/year

All the benefits of NLBA member-level benefits AND be recognized as a sponsor who helps bring holiday cheer for the community when we light up Copeland Park for Lights over North La Crosse.

3) Champions: $500/year

Small, local businesses form the “vibe” of our community. A robust community needs vibrant, local businesses. Our Champion-level businesses help us be a proactive voice for what is needed to keep greater La Crosse thriving through strong, locally owned businesses. Our Champions help us identify the barriers to thriving businesses and help us remove them. You're helping us ramp up our communication and our social media so the community is aware of the value of small businesses.

4) Angel Investors: $1,000/year

For companies that are investing in the growth of the Northside - projects that make it safter, more vibrant, and go beyond monthly meeetings. Every corporate member receives an advertisement in our annual membership drive brochure - a mailing going to all northside businesses. 

What Champions & Angel Investors Help us Achieve

Gain a voice in government

Small, local businesses are the most impacted by what happens in our community. We don't have the resources to monitor and react as individual businesses to what's happening in city, state and national government. By uniting, we can be a pro-active voice for how proposed fees, regulations, taxes, assessments and costs will impact the very businesses that make this are vibrant.

Increase your visibility in the community

As a new member, you will be listed on this website, the e-newsletter, and on social media. You also can grow your business by advertising and sponsoring events.

Promotion and publicity of small local businesses

We continue the work we began with our Get on Living Safely Campaign #golsWI -- connecting the public with small, local businesses that are members.

Stay connected to resources

Our communication can connect you to new businesses , information impacting your company,  up-and-coming  events, and opportunities.


To create collaboration between business and community for the betterment of all.

PO Box 402, La Crosse, WI  54602-0402


© 2021 North La Crosse Business Association

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