Why join the NLBA?The North La Crosse Business Association is open to all business leaders who want to see the Northside of La Crosse thrive. Strong businesses need strong neighborhoods, and vice versa. We welcome all who want to help us in our mission. You will see in our membership levels that we focus on: uniting small businesses, supporting our schools, hosting community events, advocating for Northside improvements, and making the Northside more vibrant. |
Seeking Members, Supporters, and Champions
Members $150
Traditional membership. You are listed in our online directory and your dues help unite businesses monthly to rally around changes, projects, and schools and more on the Northside.
Supporters $250
Make the Northside more vibrant through community events. Includes sponsorships of Lights over North La Crosse - a tree-lighting ceremony for Copeland Park including music, free food, Santa & Mrs. Clause, and fireworks. We also partner with Valley View Rotary to bring Moon Tunes Northside to Loggers field once a year.
Champions $500
Small, local businesses form the "vibe" of our community. On the Northside, 90% of businesses have 20 or fewer employees. Our Champions have transformed us to being a consistent, go-to voice for the Northside - whether it is bike share stations, providing feedback to the DOT on road expansion projects, and more.
Corporations $750
This level helps us do game-changing project such as visually improving the entrances to the City, advocating for Northside schools, assisting businesses with development and expansion projects, and more. Corporate members receive an advertisement in our annual membership drive brochure - a mailing sent to all Northside businesses.
What Champions & Corporations help us achieve
Small, local businesses are the most impacted by what happens in our community. We don't have the resources to monitor and react as individual businesses to what's happening in city, state and national government. By uniting, we can be a pro-active voice for how proposed fees, regulations, taxes, assessments and costs will impact the very businesses that make this are vibrant.
We continue the work we began with our Get on Living Safely Campaign #golsWI -- connecting the public with small, local businesses that are members. |
As a new member, you will be listed on this website, the e-newsletter, and on social media. You also can grow your business by advertising and sponsoring events.
Our communication can connect you to new businesses , information impacting your company, up-and-coming events, and opportunities. |