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North La Crosse

Business Association

NLBA Updates + Meeting on Homeless (Pathways Home) Update

  • September 04, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Black River Beach Community Center


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SEPTEMBER Meeting: Pathways Home Update

City of La Crosse & County Program to House the Homeless

Three weeks ago the City passed an all-city ban on homeless camping. Come find out from City and County officials progress on the plan over the past six months.

RSVP to this email, please to attend.


The theme of all of the below is this: we have many ways we are working to keep the Northside vibrant. We need your help - financially, volunteering, or recruiting your neighbor to join.

Oktoberfest Pancake Breakfast Sun. Sept. 29

It's back on Sunday, September 29 as a fundraiser for Logan High scholarships. We'll send you tickets to:

  1. sell (return unused with your check)
  2. pay for and we donate to Boys & Girls Club families
  3. return

Can You Work the Pancake Breakfast

We'll have shifts from 7 am to 11:30. Email to volunteer

NLBA Receives $29,000 to Start "Support Local" Gift Card Program

Many thanks to our Northside City Council members for helping us advocate to receive some of the remaining COVID / ARPA Funding to support LOCALLY OWNED small businesses. The contract is being drafted, but the credit-card style gift card will be programmed to be used at locally-owned businesses (you will need to sign up) and hold a balance until the amount is spent. It can be for a car repair, food, product, or anything your customers buy. 

GIFT LA CROSSE - more information coming soon. 

Lights Over North La Crosse Loses City Installation Funding

One of our signature events - the lighting of Copeland Park for the Holidays got a blow this past month. The City has paid for the installation of the lights. Meanwhile we pay for fireworks and free food, Santa, and music for the lighting event known as Lights Over North La Crosse. 

Due to tightening budgets and increase costs, the City Parks & Rec Dept. has cut the funding. 

Want to help troubleshoot and find solutions to this event (ex. run a donated lights campaign)? Contact

Moon Tunes Northside Plan B

Valley View Rotary approached the NLBA asking us to fully take over the hosting of a concert at Loggers field in replacement of Moon Tunes Northside. 

Want to help troubleshoot and find solutions to this event (ex. run a donated lights campaign)? Contact

Northside Pool at Logan Middle Funding moved to 2026

Despite the NLBA advocating to keep funding in the 2025 budget to repair the Northside Pool, it was moved to 2026 leaving the life of the pool in question yet another year. The pool needs a costly new liner and could fail. Without funding, that would automatically close the pool.

The NLBA Board believes positive activities for families and added assets are critical to keeping the Northside vibrant. Reasons a few Council Members and staff cited to move the pool funding further out was lack of attendance. The vote to move the funding came as a last-minute surprise because funding was carved from other projects to keep it in the budget.

We have begun talking to Council members pointing out that value based on attendance is skewed by Northside Elementary being a year-round school. Cost reductions could occur with weekend hours only. Once the pool closes, it is an asset more costly to restore than to maintain.

Did you know ...

Some funds raised to rebrand Caledonia Street were used to purchase a Code Blue camera at the corner of Caledonia & Clint Streets. The cameras provide police with 24/7/365 live access to what's happening in a 360-degree direction of this corner. 

This was businesses that made this funding - beyond the Northside. 

Many thanks for a stronger community. 


To create collaboration between business and community for the betterment of all.

PO Box 402, La Crosse, WI  54602-0402


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